Die Best Founders Family lädt ein zum innovativen Ausklang des Jahres 2022.
Mittwoch, 09.11.2022
09:30 bis 17:30 Uhr
Zentis Fruchtcampus,
Jülicher Straße 191, 52070 Aachen
9:30 Uhr – 10:00 Uhr Welcome Reception
10:00 – 12:15 Uhr Keynote Part
- Intro: Alice + Gordon “Agenda”
- Host Zentis Ventures — Our Journey from scratch to now
- Best Founders Family — Recap 2021+2022 (Gordon)
+ Ambition 2023 “Extending the Food Value Chain” - Casestudy “Amalia Neufeld: First Female Founders Award”
- Spotlights aller Barcamp Session Moderatoren
(15min spitze Thesen x 3)
12:15 – 13:00 Uhr Austausch mit Snacks
13:00 – 14:15 Uhr Interactive Barcamp Sessions/Workshops
(75min/ each repeated 2x 30min +. 15min Pause)
1) Stages of Finance + Contracting (Mazaars, Dr. Phillip Wüllrich)
2) Driving a Food System Change (by Foodhub NRW, Lee Greene)
3) Avoiding Cooperation Mistakes (by WHU, Prof. Christina Günther)
14:15 – 14:30 Uhr PAUSE
14:30 – 16:30 Uhr Outro
Dinner with Startup Ingredients